Niche Marketing – What is it and Why bother?
Tips to Go Get a Slice of the Pie

In Marketing, Targeted Marketing, By Lynn Pechinski

You can gain more attention for your business by narrowing the scope of your target market. With a more targeted offer to your ideal customer, you will be more appealing to your market. To be most successful, pivot from selling, to offer solutions to your clients’ problems.

Creating a niche market for your product gives you the ability to laser focus on the prospective market. We don’t have a huge multimillion-dollar marketing budget like Coca Cola, Nike or Liberty Mutual Insurance. We know that nearly everyone may be a prospective customer for our products. Nearly everyone likes to enjoy a soft-drink, wear comfortable and stylish athletic clothing, and have reliable insurance coverage to protect what we have.

We want to make the best use of our marketing investment to get a return. If we select a specific slice of the market, our focus is less costly. Let’s say your business is selling insurance for home and auto. There is so much competition among agents who sell. Many agents are fighting the commodity mentality of their prospective buyers. That means, it’s all about price for the service. When your product or service is purchased based on price alone, it’s race to the lowest price to win the business.

Why not focus on one slice of the giant insurance market? The niche may be school teachers; military personnel, or parents of a child with special needs. You can spend much more of the marketing budget focusing on any one of these niches and talk about the solutions you have to solve your customers’ problems. The more focus for the marketing message, the better than chance of converting a prospect into sale. This approach has proven success.

Sticking with this approach, let’s consider a marketing and branding program to help deliver the message. You have identified the focus of your clients’ thoughts and that is key to success. Once you have defined the biggest challenge and how you can solve the problem, think of how to deliver the message. Develop your brand promotion around the message. Let’s say you are a travel agent or in charge of marketing for your beachside resort destination. Your message is universal but your budget is limited. Pick a niche, it could be geographic or demographic. Maybe your resort offers certain healthy amenities, like a special chef and food plan, and programs for the mind and body. Designate the marketing niche specifically to people who are looking to solve a specific health problem or a certain age group. Next craft your message around the benefits of your resort for the niche. You have the message.

The next big step is to figure out how to spread the word, getting in front of the future customers. How does one get their prospects to push the green-go button? Once again, what is the problem and what can you do to solve it for your prospects? With travel restrictions easing, many people are considering resort vacations. You have already identified the focus of your clients’ thoughts, uncovered any obstacles, and solved their issues. That is your golden ticket to success. They are daydreaming about the beach, white sand, and how they will enjoy their time in the sun. As an experienced travel specialist, you have everything they need to make their experience even more memorable.

To market your services to this market, put their shoes on for a moment (or in this case sandals). What do you need to ensure your client’s vacation experience is more appealing and memorable? Take your compelling message and your appealing offer and create promotional swag that will make a long-lasting impression. By sending your brand and message to your ideal prospects, you improve your chances of booking their vacation.

* Beach Towel * Sunscreen * Umbrella * Cooler bags * Mobile Speakers * Insulated Tumblers * Beach Chair * Sun Visor * Suntan lotion * Bottled Water * Sunglasses * Binoculars * Picnic Blankets * Waterproof phone case *

The next step is to think beyond the obvious people who are booking travel. Think of the people who book corporate travel for groups of people. Include a promotional product in a direct mail piece to the niche of corporate meeting planners. The functional product together with your colorful brochures and offers will make your business far more memorable.

PRO TIP # 1: If your prospect or client is a business owner, personalize the gift with their name and make an even greater impression. Promotional products have proven they are long remembered more than any other marketing vehicle. You have a better chance of attracting attention. They will think of you and your business first and foremost when considering the plans for their next trip or vacation.

PRO TIP #2: Build partnerships in similar industries to enhance your already growing niche. Who is the best alliance or partner for your business? Think of vacation specialists and those who work in the tourism industry. Go and meet with those folks, expand your network, and invite them into your world. They will more likely remember who to call when their clients are booking a dream vacation.

Keep in mind these steps when creating your marketing program:
1. Identify your clients’ problem or challenge. 2. Determine the end result that will bring them the most satisfaction. 3. What are the emotional triggers that will get them to buy from you? 4. Make your move by connecting with to their emotional goals. 5. Use promotional products to help capture their imagination. Help them relate your company as the best service to meet their needs.

Why does niche marketing work so well? Because you have identified who your ideal client is, what drives their passion, and what are their needs. You now can easily help them to reach their desired goals in the best way, when the time is right. Successful marketing is the ability to convince the market, your service or product is the best solution for what the market needs.

If you need help identifying the most appropriate niche for your business and creating a brand promotion to attract new clients and customers. Call Lynn Pechinski at 1st Straw Marketing 609-472-1667, email; visit